Active countries: 2469
Currently Logged in: 206
Currently Logged in: 206
Game Profile for Tex on the Express Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Fifty-eighth
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $56,654,336 | #1148 |
Land | 122,845 | #996 |
Top 100 | 19 | #580 |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $4,727,765 | #1976 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
599 | 84 | a (#106) | 7998 | $4,754,477 | RG |
598 | 80 | y (#105) | 6556 | $4,508,114 | MG |
597 | 83 | a (#107) | 8443 | $2,669,919 | MG |
596 | 92 | z (#102) | 8172 | $2,479,642 | MG |
595 | 66 | b (#88) | 9550 | $4,473,568 | MG |
594 | 73 | tx (#32) | 8660 | $4,531,226 | MG |
593 | 67 | Q (#90) | 8139 | $4,560,938 | MG |
592 | 67 | z (#85) | 8259 | $4,867,880 | MG |
591 | 58 | m (#91) | 7341 | $3,878,801 | M |
590 | 85 | tx (#18) | 6695 | $981,797 | M |
589 | 68 | z (#97) | 7093 | $2,992,832 | M |
588 | 65 | z (#89) | 6670 | $3,435,949 | M |
587 | 88 | tx (#96) | 3729 | $358,799 | M |
586 | 85 | tx (#102) | 5283 | $2,351,918 | M |
585 | 80 | x (#35) | 4436 | $2,558,172 | M |
584 | 86 | u (#22) | 4926 | $2,992,309 | M |
583 | 90 | x (#91) | 4162 | $1,924,495 | M |
582 | 92 | x (#98) | 4297 | $1,896,316 | M |
581 | 95 | tx (#103) | 2436 | $437,184 | M |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |