Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2461
Currently Logged in: 203

Game Profile for scottb on the Tournament Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Twelfth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$7,690,246#383
Attack Success79.47%#278

Countries on this server

156 27 Fred and Wilma (#5) 8455$2,881,074 FG A
155 9 Fred and Wilma (#7) 15,542$6,557,217 FG B
154 22 Fred and Wilma (#13) 9651$2,526,744 FG A
153 8 Fred and Wilma (#5) 16,708$6,127,219 FG C
152 15 Fred and Wilma (#6) 9553$3,154,058 FG C
151 11 Fred and Wilma (#3) 18,506$6,141,798 CG C
150 12 Fred and Wilma (#5) 7042$3,618,634 FG C
149 16 Fred and Wilma (#15) 7512$2,237,724 CG A
148 9 Fred and Wilma (#1) 16,963$6,239,158 CG B
147 11 Fred and Wilma (#2) 10,809$4,155,692 CG B
146 15 Fred and Wilma (#5) 10,531$3,062,451 CG B
145 11 Tits R Us (#24) 15,739$4,635,109 CG C
144 16 Tits R Us (#10) 8576$3,115,710 CG A
143 9 Tits R Us (#2) 12,268$5,829,436 CG B
142 12 Tits R Us (#9) 11,150$6,808,592 CG A
141 3 Tits R Us (#5) 17,387$9,001,687 CG C
140 18 Fred and Wilma (#9) 10,532$2,781,333 CG A
139 8 Fred and Wilma (#6) 12,254$3,823,698 CG B
138 9 Brunos Kingdom (#1) 15,393$3,360,318 CG C
137 17 World According to Garp (#6) 10,242$1,407,581 CG A
136 7 World According to Garp (#3) 18,622$8,793,543 CG B
135 15 Breast Meat (#6) 9948$2,860,550 CG A
134 9 Breast Meat (#1) 16,229$9,132,036 CG B
133 13 Fred and Wilma (#12) 10,221$4,477,859 CG B
132 18 Fred and Wilma (#14) 12,162$2,230,354 CG A

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism