Active countries: 2467
Currently Logged in: 205
Currently Logged in: 205
Game Profile for Chimmyt on the Express Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Thirty-third
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $116,181,930 | #730 |
Land | 481,668 | #279 |
Top 100 | 38 | #287 |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $6,583,509 | #1590 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
731 | 95 | Sneh (#95) | 100 | $5148 | MG |
727 | 33 | Thosearentevenwords (#28) | 10,112 | $3,596,988 | FG |
726 | 75 | Thosearentevenwords (#94) | 16,874 | $5,146,055 | FG |
724 | 85 | Thosearentevenwords (#94) | 12,011 | $2,522,826 | FG |
701 | 106 | Famine (#108) | 6541 | $554,793 | FG |
700 | 98 | Famine (#111) | 10,212 | $1,943,182 | FG |
699 | 79 | Famine (#93) | 18,005 | $6,337,006 | FG |
697 | 113 | A rockstar ate my hamster (#29) | 100 | $4717 | MG |
696 | 77 | Late (#111) | 15,447 | $7,305,583 | FG |
694 | 80 | Sneh (#52) | 11,844 | $4,231,286 | FG |
693 | 102 | Thosearentevenwords (#30) | 12,342 | $1,050,739 | IG |
692 | 91 | Hunger (#102) | 13,959 | $2,152,353 | CG |
665 | 93 | Automaton (#88) | 235 | $19,284 | MG |
662 | 102 | Automaton (#102) | 100 | $4717 | MG |
661 | 67 | Automaton (#94) | 12,845 | $6,107,937 | CG |
659 | 82 | Automaton (#103) | 16,986 | $4,828,255 | C |
656 | 101 | Neo (#104) | 511 | $36,937 | MG |
654 | 78 | Neo (#27) | 17,280 | $3,696,536 | MG |
653 | 80 | Armageddonia (#93) | 17,905 | $3,429,633 | MG |
652 | 97 | Armageddonia (#46) | 10,240 | $822,808 | MG |
651 | 82 | Monkeypox (#101) | 11,455 | $3,024,321 | CG |
650 | 95 | Globalistia (#105) | 11,523 | $1,971,212 | CG |
610 | 104 | 15313 (#84) | 100 | $4717 | MG |
603 | 98 | bla (#102) | 1849 | $131,284 | MG |
602 | 94 | 15313 (#40) | 1117 | $80,969 | MG |
596 | 113 | Unportant (#116) | 2928 | $189,943 | MG |
595 | 94 | Unportant (#103) | 4824 | $400,732 | MG |
588 | 69 | Origami (#38) | 12,474 | $3,265,405 | C |
587 | 72 | Unportant (#84) | 14,856 | $2,915,060 | CG |
586 | 103 | 12 (#103) | 100 | $4717 | M |
585 | 89 | Unportant (#99) | 10,848 | $1,868,223 | C |
583 | 78 | Hey whos whistling (#82) | 13,173 | $3,402,962 | IG |
582 | 69 | Hey whos whistling (#63) | 12,780 | $4,147,243 | I |
581 | 76 | DOOP Headquarters (#87) | 11,853 | $3,297,704 | IG |
579 | 85 | Doop (#15) | 7588 | $1,218,540 | C |
578 | 71 | Unportant (#86) | 13,310 | $2,974,784 | C |
572 | 92 | Cantstandya (#31) | 6095 | $914,268 | C |
571 | 45 | Boringya (#104) | 12,948 | $4,609,324 | C |
505 | 84 | Grey unimportia (#49) | 12,252 | $2,535,184 | C |
504 | 111 | Grey unimportia (#118) | 6297 | $486,281 | M |
503 | 107 | Grey unimportia (#119) | 4016 | $572,800 | C |
503 | 100 | Nuka Cola (#115) | 9739 | $1,590,585 | C |
501 | 103 | Nuka Cola (#72) | 8494 | $1,458,919 | C |
500 | 102 | Grey unimportia (#97) | 7884 | $1,369,398 | C |
417 | 59 | Hey Whos whistling (#18) | 13,880 | $4,321,779 | CG |
416 | 59 | Absurdistan (#46) | 11,648 | $3,414,005 | C |
415 | 60 | Absurdistan (#18) | 15,185 | $4,582,147 | C |
414 | 66 | New North Korea (#30) | 12,689 | $3,631,899 | C |
413 | 104 | New North Korea (#22) | 8752 | $1,072,259 | C |
412 | 88 | New North Korea (#2) | 7899 | $1,749,175 | C |
411 | 102 | New North Korea (#116) | 2630 | $192,789 | C |
411 | 96 | New North Korea (#39) | 6833 | $984,839 | C |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |