
g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 15th 2015, 14:46:12

Originally posted by qzjul:
I like the GDI default idea... should think about how to implement taht

GDI default?

So you ARE extorting us then...

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 15th 2015, 2:01:30

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
I think he pointed out why he felt the change was bad in his opinion. His points not having to do with ignorance of the workings of the system or the reasoning behind them. His points are good. The effect of killing someone is severely diminished when they can turn around and kill you back the next day, or even just cripple you so soon. There's much less victory in a kill with this...and isn't really much of a kill then. It's just a cushion to help war-minded people on here cope and get some form of revenge soon. If the majority of the people want to be pandered to, then you all can do that. I'd personally like to see it restricted to team/alliance servers.

Could def change this for express; that might not be that hard actually...

qzjul, I appreciate your timely response on this matter.

While I think the idea of golden parachutes in Alliance does have its merit, generally there is an expectation that you will be killed, possibly multiple times. It's nice not to start from scratch, and leaves you viable not vulnerable during wars.

Here in Express the setting is more of a net sprint, running along side are new players, lazy players, bots, killers and abandoned countries. If you stay under 2 mil, given the 360+ turns you could kill 2-3 players a day, and even if they restart, chances are they'll either D up, or kill you and get a restart with loaded turns and mil/spies/$, etc.. then you start the kill cycle. Even raw talent such as myself can only work within the physics of time, and turns are not generated by sheer will, as I have tried many, many times.

A meat grinder.

I think blocking it altogether would be great, simply put, it is far too easy to abuse.

Does exposing this vulnerability, possibly saving new players and retaining base earn me +1000 post points? I'm shooting for 10,000 by next month, but I will also accept cash wired directly to my Primary account. Approx $2 billion please.

~In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.~
Hunter S. Thompson

Edited By: g0nz0 on Apr 15th 2015, 2:03:32

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 15th 2015, 1:21:50

Is $79.99 getting close?

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 14th 2015, 17:57:01

Not until I reach 10,000 posts

Only then...

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 14th 2015, 17:46:38

Originally posted by mrford:
as i said, if they join GDI, they wont have to fight the same people over and over...... if you are in GDI and follow it's simple rules, you can not be killed unless you have really low land.

i have been running a landfarm for this server for a year or so btw. not complaining about getting killed by someone i killed.

I killed someone who was preying on the low ranking community. The poor and needy of Earth. The ones outside the walls of GDI, free of shackles and extortion. I am PROUD to have suffered my first loss to keep him from chopping weak players. I did it several times. He went from 5-6 hits on multiple countries, plus kill runs, to fighting me and backing of those who never saw it coming and were just puttering along trying a new game or strat, or may not even know how to properly defend themselves.

And it doesn't matter if you harvested the FIRST landfarm, it's still more helpful to patrol the board for suicides and haters than it is to get a couple hundred acres, $5 mil and some food, along with some snarky phrase about "don't be a land wh0re, I'll kill your children while you sleep"

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 14th 2015, 17:31:19

If you "need" jets, then you're prob hitting someone or warring. If you're hitting someone, aim for a target who'll fork over cash when you grab em, then figure you'll be ditching a chunk of debt for the jets you lose during the attack, and with the treasure you gain the ability to purchase turrets post-strike. Be sure to consider your building any new land vs buying up defense, as that will be the primary focus of your cash.

If you are warring and need jets, but want turrets, you are not dedicating yourself to offense or defense. It will cost jets+/oil+/food+/cash+/turns+ to be properly offensive to your opponent. It takes turrets+/cash+/few turns- to turtle up and wait em out. Buying 50/50 is like throwing some punches, then covering up with your gloves. You go all jets it's for the knockout. You go all turrets and you can gas em out while they spend more resources and time working you over. You are doomed to stalemate or worse a significant or fatal counter strike, which is a big fizzle to an epic battle.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Apr 14th 2015, 17:34:35

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 14th 2015, 17:06:34

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
His points not having to do with ignorance of the workings of the system or the reasoning behind them. His points are good.

Lol, you still believe that?

He is just butthurt that he got fluff on by someone who knows the game a bit better than he does.

In his logic we will lose more players because of assholes abusing the restart rules, than we would from people having to start all over after dying. The vast majority of the community dissagrees.

Originally posted by g0nz0:
fine tune the policies to take into consideration new players being offered bonus points to "purchase" an insurance policy, like GDI. Costs you $ per turn, more $$ based on NW{Units,tech,etc}.

that is exactly what GDI is.... it is extremely simple to not be bothered by greifers. join GDI. problem solved. your entire complaint is now null and void. you seem to want to take away an advantage of being killed just because you are too cheap to join GDI and not start fluff. Now if you do decide to get into a war with someone, the restart bonuses make the war fun for both sides. you dont have to sit at your computer and wall all day in order to keep fighting. stop being butthurt because someone killed you when you thought you were safe. the benefits far outweigh the consequences that you seem to think exist. I think you just want to be able to kill countries you dont like with impunity. what a joke.

It's "fun" to get into a kill cycle with a suicide player? It's "fun" to battle tooth and nail only to see your opponent reborn rather than vanquished? Was it "fun" for Mrs. Ford to see you with no pants, then walk around in public referring to you as a "man"? Well it's not Ford, it's no fun at all.

GDI stops harmful ops, special attacks, and being hit by someone double or half your size. It does NOT guarantee a restart should you be killed. It's not insurance, it's a shield for netters. You pay money to be safe and boring. "I don't even use spies, cause they cost money, and it cuts my netting down. I don't use troops or tanks either! Yeah, not having to buy Spy tech hurts the market overall, but who cares? :D !!!"

It is unfortunate that you feel my sole purpose is to kill people I don't "like", that is misleading and vague. I don't like cheaters, bots or suicides. I also hate clan warfare in solo servers. I didn't kill im back, Im back, and oh yeah because it's what I wanted to do with my time, I did so because he was on a killing spree, and multi hitting or killing everything below 2 mil NW, which is mostly noobs, and players who may be finishing a set long battle, only to be wiped clear by some random A(_*_)hole.

I did a job that was for mods and people who are so fond of "helping" low ranking players that they build and "play" farms while doling out hate messages in-game berating new players and threatening them repeatedly.

Next set, you should make a country whose sole purpose is to clear the low ranks of the meat grinders. You know they'll be waiting. It is FAR more helpful for the new players to not have to restart over and over, and to see that prolific posters and mouthy c^nts such as yourself can actually back up your claims of "helping" the community of players.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Apr 14th 2015, 17:09:00

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 14th 2015, 15:39:59

Originally posted by mrford:
restarting with goods is good for alliance servers and war. it makes it so your weeks of work cant be completely wiped out in 20 seconds on clan servers.... can also easily identify restarts through this, and if you are not a dumbass, and are in GDI, the restart cant kill you...

deal with it or dont. your choice. just because you are ignorant to the differences doesnt mean they are bad differences.

Eloquent as ever ford. What I see in your post is that it is in fact for netters "weeks worth of work", does not apply to clan as no self respecting fighter in alliance is going to live that long. It is for war and alliance, not a sprint net competition, OR Primary if it exists there as well. The time it takes to kill someone can vary on your target, obviously, but the retal KR would force you to spend the rest of the set building up a new war machine { more spies, oil, cash, etc.} with enough turns, and then you're pecking at mostly dead or failed countries.

This restart in express brain fart is perfect for abuse and ruining sets for NEW players who will probably be in the bottom brackets as they learn. So you are leaving them to 2 or 3 meat grinders. That $hit won't retain players any more than your cheerful demeanor.

Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
....The effect of killing someone is severely diminished when they can turn around and kill you back the next day, or even just cripple you so soon. There's much less victory in a kill with this...and isn't really much of a kill then. It's just a cushion to help war-minded people on here cope and get some form of revenge soon. ...see it restricted to team/alliance servers.

A far better response to my formal request for review, this member points out the most important points here, restrict it to war servers and fine tune the policies to take into consideration new players being offered bonus points to "purchase" an insurance policy, like GDI. Costs you $ per turn, more $$ based on NW{Units,tech,etc}.

Secondly, it really does deflate the victory if you know they watched you use your turns, and are already launching their kill run, before you've even recouped readiness. Not for Express.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 14th 2015, 15:09:31

Hello New Member Ronald,

Earth Empires back story:

Earth was devastated by a massive apocalyptic showdown with a Nuclear armed Iran, and a vicious strain of herpes that emerged from Novo Rossiya that managed to eradicate the majority of earth's population. Only a scant few peoples remain, mostly Asian and Latino women. It is up to you to repopulate the earth, and lead your harem of docile domestics to a new and brighter future.

Are you up to the challenge?

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 13th 2015, 15:06:16

I'm fairly certain someone...or something... is lurking about pulling gremlin $hit on players. I experienced, along with some other players, a few odd happenings this last set. One being the falsely reported death of a country on the score board and my war room.

First off, I was grabbed 5 times in a row by im back (#120?). I didn't appreciate this move, so I killed him. I was happy because he had 316/250 turns left, and could have easily done the same to me. Needless to say I blew through most of my spies and mad money greasing this fool. Surprise to me, on EE you get to resurrect your country with a chunk of resources and half your mil. That's Fkin retarted, first off, but that's a separate post...I guess thats what I get for never having been killed here before...

Needless to say, having left my country low on def, since no one else was messin with me, and im back(#120) was dead, I signed out, pondering victory sex with my girlfriend, or more killing on Unreal Tournament. I don't have a girlfriend and my other country is heavily reliant on the market, so I did another walkthrough only to discover that, within hours, I had been killed by...Im back(#122). What the F.... No way he had enough turns to even be out of protection, let alone KR me.

Then it gave me the option of restarting with my turns and resources/mil. New to me, but a chance for revenge.

I promptly checked his stats, looking to avenge my people, and he was already dead. News showed nobody hit him, and my generals claimed the same, so he must have self-deleted. Pu$$y, I thought...again no girlfriend, so back to the game...

I start building up again, annoyed at my loss, but pleased to know that suiciders have a paradise here on Earth.
The following day, a scant few hours from the end of set, I see Im back(#122) had killed a country...I think "Wow, he was dead hours he's killing again" I once again KR him. Sign in a couple hours later, and I've been killed once more, this time by oh yeah (#130), 2 hours prior to end of set. With 25 minutes to go I end the set by killing oh yeah (#130) one last time.

I gotta say guys/gals, this reset your killed country, so you can enjoy being a suicide dinkhole is pretty lame, and prob came about when the high netters couldnt stop whining about losing out, and demanded some form of soft landing, rather than settle for flaming the anonymous douche on the boards.

This rule, as comforting as it is to know you can restart with a bonus, including all your turns, and a care package, it is obviously one of the easiest forms of abuse this game has become prey to. It actually makes it easier to be a suicider, as you will respawn again and again, with enough turns (as long as you stock while waiting for the inevitable retal from your fallen opponent) to continue a kill cycle that only stops when the clock runs out.

This rule needs a thorough review, as does the account of the player who killed me and several other countries. I expect a full report on my desk before the start of the next Express set.

All My Love,

no lube 4 u (#123) (restart)
ballz deep (#131) (restart)

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 7th 2015, 2:55:30

I didn't really want to share any of this with you guys anyway. Don't believe me. I've tagged countries who were sitting on $1.6 billion, and each op started at around $36 mil. 32, 31, 29, etc...I start bouncing, obviously, but losing 500 or even 5000 spies is worth a gamble for that kind of cheese. I usually pull this off with max spy tech, and tend to have 200k or more spies. It is a dirty little secret and I love it tenderly. Sure I leave some bruises, but she never complains. I may have taken mind altering substances in my lifetime, but most of that wore off hours ago. I know what I saw.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 6th 2015, 17:29:31

Originally posted by mrford:
but you have time to search for bomb bank targets right?

were you born full of fluff, or did you have to eat it all?

Farms sit on massive cash stockpiles. So do the morons running little to no spies. I find 3 or 4, and it's free $$ from then on. There are patterns in a game based on math formulas. Its one of the reasons I like robbin banks, I know who's got cash, and it tends to stay the same throughout the set. PLUS, you don't need locate a viable target with repeat and costly spy ops. As I said, I am crunched for time, so I do as I do.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 6th 2015, 17:23:14

Originally posted by buffalomike123:
What is the best government for attacking?

If you are attacking to kill, then Tyranny is best. If you are trying to break a larger opponent, or are just interested in a more powerful country able to withstand grabs and launch more effective, and profitable land grabs {ghost acres} then Dictatorship is where its at.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 6th 2015, 17:12:10

Originally posted by earf:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
My best finish was in your a$$, but Net-wise I stay in top 20, mostly because I dont have the schedule to place any higher.
Lool. schedule, right. I could run an all-x casher, log in 4 times for 5 minutes each, and finish top 10..

durf, I burn turns like nobodies business. I try to play each set, but there really is no schedule I can depend on. Therefore I won't be able to follow market trends, maximize tech/food or other sales, successfully ward off attacks, search for 50-60 land grab targets, reply to in-game sexts from you. It just doesn't happen for me.

You and your boyfriend can toss my salad.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 6th 2015, 4:08:57

My best finish was in your a$$, but Net-wise I stay in top 20, mostly because I dont have the schedule to place any higher.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 6th 2015, 3:32:57

I was able to steal at least 2-3 Billion in cash these last three sets using spies. It gets to the point where I make far more stealin grandpas 401k than I do selling tech or food. As I've stated earlier SPAL here, for some reason, never seems to work in the defenders favor. I rob you guys blind, farm and player alike, and its SO easy. I used to feel guilty, because it was so simple getting $5, $10, $40, $100 Million an Op for me, regardless of the SPAL, spy count, variation of the wind, and phase of ninjas pasty white moon. But I came to realize that it's all your fault. You have piles of ca$h just sitting there...and with a defective spy system, what do you expect??

I'm thankful that everyone who hits or Ops me is in GDI, for some reason nobody every steals from me, even when it's ME sitting on a Billion of YOUR cash...Maybe its the Luck+5 charm I bought at Burning Man last year... It's made with Dragon foreskin

At this point, prob 1/4 of the Ca$h I use for mad money comes from your pocket.

Final analysis: If you don't want to lose cash, keep under $200 million in reserves, Build 1,000,000 spies, then sell all of them in the last few hours so you can clear out the markets without worrying about me stealin your loot. It's your best option.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2015, 22:11:15

If you farm for tech then be sure to buy agriculture as early as possible. Max output potential.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2015, 21:56:05

Don't want to heap too much on your plate but during the outage most of my ca$h vanished. Think there was like $2 billion in there. Would be greatly appreciated if you could fix that.
Thanks again!

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2015, 18:51:53

With your country set to Tyr, 360 turns, proper Troops/Weapons+Mil Strat Tech/Readiness vs their Def, you can achieve the GS kill. IF they are not actively playing.

Think it took like 220 turns to kill Ninjas farm. But thats with Chem rockets, so Warfare vs no/low SDI is helpful

Yes, killing is best suited for the Tyr(anny) country, as it only requires 1 turn per attack.

Prep for GS: Plenty of turns, enough food and cash to allow you to spend 200 or more turns attacking without stopping except to maybe sell food on BM. $$ for buying up more troops if necessary. Enough oil. Then, the critical phase of when to strike. If you know they're active do NOT attack. Even a blitz can be foiled. Signs they are possibly active: NW goes UP {could be standing order, so its a gamble}.

If you suspect they were on, give it about 30 mins or so, then op them. If they're at 0 turns or very few, you've got an excellent window. Even if they sign in the most they can do is buy more troops and stall you. Cant rebuild pop w/o turns.

Spy,cause dissension to reduce troop levels if they are significant, it will reduce your oil and troop cost. Do your final calcs of your troop #, weapons tech, any mil strat tech, vs their troops and tech, plus their govt bonus if they are dict or rep. Launch your GS. Watch your readiness. Most times you can still break when your below 35-40% readiness, but its sinful to waste turns, so now you switch to missles. If he has NO SDI, launch Chem rockets. If he does, lead with cruise, then launch chems. do not nuke, SDI only goes up. When chems are gone, switch to Stir rebellions. Each turn will reduce his pop, while increasing your readiness. also, it can be a good idea to do a few bioterrors, just in case he DOES sign in. Will kill himself trying to repop. When your readiness is back to 95 or 100%, start hitting again. Do an occasional spy op to be sure he isnt buying troops, or spending turns. If you start bouncing or his civ casualties start INCREASING, it means he may be online. Rinse and repeat until dead.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2015, 17:03:00

<3 looks like a dik and balls. Hopefully it means something else...

You got your message out there about double-tapping farms, I got my kill. We're square, I guess... I meant what I said about this $hit being lame and beneath you, but it prob was fun and I cant argue with that.

I consider it squashed.

Game on bro!

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2015, 4:12:58

One of the most, if not THE most important aspects of this game is survival. High NW, mad stockpiles, 1 billion jets, all that is great, but if you do get hit there are many aspects to recovering and launching a counter-strike. The strat forum has tons of great threads on things like rebuilding pop after a GS against you, the importance of SDI and Weapons tech, whether Med tech is worth the time, find defensive allies who aren't target rich themselves {like a Republic or Farm}. Spies are as much for defense as they are for offense. Less land=More SPAL in a crunch. Sleep is your enemy in Express, learn to pi$$ in water bottles and place a TV tray in front of the toilet to hold your laptop for those last few hours when Ninja scours the set for a rap3 victim who sullied the farming rules. It's all in there man, carpe diem!

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 1st 2015, 19:39:55

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
Originally posted by El Guapo:
and then in my noobness I mistook a country that was running a land farm as a bot and got retaled into oblivion.

If that's noobish, then im a super power noob as this has happened to me 3 weeks straight now.

Sometimes its fun to just absolutely demolish an opposing country with Artillery Barrage (AB) and missiles, very satisfying to see a country with 10k land and only 1500 buildings, but if I survive the first round of hits, I usually will try to save turns and go for the kill with Guerilla Strikes (GS) or Bombing Runs (BR). BR is ideal, but usually people have way too many turrets making GS an easier option.

Either way, I would recommend saving up to 360 turns and then spending them all at once to inflict as much damage as possible so the guy logs into a mess.

With your country set to Tyr, 360 turns, proper Troops/Weapons+Mil Strat Tech/Readiness vs their Def, you can achieve the GS kill. IF they are not actively playing.

Think it took like 220 turns to kill Ninjas farm. But thats with Chem rockets, so Warfare vs no/low SDI is helpful

Edited By: g0nz0 on Apr 1st 2015, 19:44:34
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 1st 2015, 19:31:54

Be sure to calculate your turns if you decide to kill. You will need to recoup readiness and poss buy more mil.

If you decide to kill it REALLY sucks to run out of turns during a KR. Counting minutes till your next, and hopefully last hit is more agonizing than childbirth, and takes years off your life. And if you do spend all your turns and its his turn to counter you have no turns to defend yourself, ie rebuild pop or tech or launch missles, etc. . So spend smart.

AB is for punishment, since killing with AB take the most time and resource generally. GS are awesome because you can use Ops to reduce the number of troops, whereas you canot reduce turrets for BRs.

When killing use Ops to reduce readiness and kill pop or oil, etc you will at the same time be replenishing your readiness. AB combined with Bomb Building Ops is particularly cruel.

g0nz0 Game profile


Apr 1st 2015, 15:32:50

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
I once witnessed a man smelling of patchouli and cannabis stagger into a corner store confused and frightened and purchase nothing but a hacky-sack. Upon completion of the transaction, his demeanor improved quite significantly and he appeared much more comfortable with his surroundings.

First off I was sketched out cause you kept staring at me, thought you might be a pig. The sack I purchased was actually my tokin' token. You take it down the street to the craft shop. Tell them you tore your sack and all the beads came out. They take your hackey out back and the sack is now filled with a dime worth of precious herbal remedy. I use it for medicinal purposes only. It helps me sleep and calms my nerves when A holes lot my country.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 31st 2015, 13:57:25

Originally posted by Xninja:

My AB retal was excessive, most peoples are.... I ran a public land farm with a disclosure, failing to understand the difference between an aggressive and passive land farm is your fault not mine. I "looked" like a farm because I over flowed turns and had no real chance to compete in high end rankings.

I highly doubt you killed more countries than I have ran... good claim though... Joining GDI is not hiding, is protecting, its different regardless of your opinion.

You can grab me as much as you feel you must, if the "some money and land" is worth a "ruined" set by all means keep up the good work....

I would have lotted you if it was not cheap and easy.... I lotted you because you were greedy, 1 hit would have saved your set and this conversation wouldn't even be happening, don't get mad at me you opened the door to chaos...
I still don't see this being the same as being a cheating piece of scum like Knights.

People who "really" know me, know my retals generally hurt, and I am quick to make your buildings crumble if hit multiple times....

And your country was not going to be making any major jump in the final hours. You built your country for a good killing, you got it. Lesson should been don't be a pig and hit smart. If you want to make this out to be something personal its on you bro..... I am not in it for that but I will be around to deal with what comes my way.....

As much as I would love to hate you, and despise the fact that each day your pot addled brain actually remembers your password, I am left with disappointment. Not for my country, which was as you say a war machine, but for your actions in general. I've seen you fight and reset multiple times to chop the raisins those Ruskie clans call balls, and gained much respect for your heart and determination. It's seeing you act like them that is most disturbing. You are built to farm. Spending 100's of turns retalling over a double tap of A FARM was their way, not yours. When you tap a Knight or sc0rp on Primary ONCE, you are killed within 5-7 hours. All you needed was another farm to help out and you are a russian bitc4. I would have accepted a dozen ABs and some rockets, or even a couple taps in return, since you had plenty of cash for jets. Instead you spent prob 200 turns and all your $$ on tanks just to "teach me" not to be a "pig". This $hit is beneath you Ninja. I will prob still kill you sometime soon, but know that this is less about a trashed war machine, than it is about how you handle your $hit while still preaching on Mars. Either stay straight across the board, or stop chiding the d bags on Mars when you do the same thing Kazzy, Scotland, 72 or any other of those commie wh0res.

And as for the people who $hit on Mars, you know its because it takes much skill to survive on servers flush with multis, no mods, and a healthy amount of hate for all things not russian. You are lucky to survive the set, but in my opinion the aggressive action is only for the strong. Nutters and n00bs need not apply.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 30th 2015, 20:21:44

[quote poster=Xninja; 35631; 646343][quote poster=g0nz0; 35631; 646333]
Originally posted by Xninja:
...running a land farm....

I publicly stated double taps or greater could receive a rude awakening...

Your parking lot retal was excessive and you know it. You ruined 2 players sets for double tapping a farm. You "looked" like a farm because you are one.

...I don't hold much stock in your threat, not to mention GDI will stop your ambition to double tap then kill me....

You should take my threat seriously as I've killed more countries than you've played. And if you want to hide behind GDI thats cool, not surprising, but whatevs.

Try some mid feeding to advance in the game instead of double tapping "smaller" countries...

I feed from whoever I can break, Top/Middle/You, as long as there's money and some land

And don't compare me to d bag Russians please. My actions and their actions are completely different.....

Last set I was ranked 3rd with a massive stockpile yet to be spent in Mars Primary. 3 days before the end of the set I was killed by Knights, just because they could....I can see a parallel here even without the translator.

You, just like Knights and other d bags, lotted me because you could, and it was cheap and easy. Like you said
End of set kill? Lol. Good job with the solo kill but end of set kill really does not bother me, specially when running a land farm....

Killing your farm may not have meant much to you, but ruining my set with hours to go pi$$es me off.

Lesson learned: XNinja likes being farmed and challenges everyone to hit him multiple times, as he will be obliged to lot all players doing so, leaving him no defense as he'll be going offense.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 30th 2015, 18:02:58

Originally posted by Xninja:
...running a land farm....

You were playing a land farm. You chose a bloated resource rich target. I double tap ALL farms I see, and usually players too. It's how we advance in this game. Basically what you did was take hits till the last 10 hours or so, then turn me and another player into a parking lot. Not some missles or even a couple love taps yourself, since you had enough $$ to buy 500,000+ tanks, and you saw I was low on turrets. I didn't ruin your set, and neither did the other players who double tapped. But you DID ruin ours.

I see you bitc4 in Mars about how $hitty it is that Knights and Sc0rp bully new and untagged players, and yet here you sit spending 150 turns on each of us just because.

Here is what I've learned from this Ninja: If I double tap you again next set, than I must follow that by killing your country, so as to avoid a ruined set. I will do this early, so that I can finish with a decent rank, despite wasting turns on an easy kill.

Please do be sure to announce this next set which farm is yours.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 30th 2015, 4:05:36

The bot is there to be farmed, and so it does.
LaMe as it is to have no retal, they are a safe bet in this game.
It allows weak players to gain when success used to depend on bottom feeding those weak players.

The bonus is those weak players are still chugging along with their homo rainbow strat, but now they have more land which is yay, but they spend all their money building which is boo. In the end, we double our grazing field for Netters, and boost the self esteem of new players and give earf a reason to smile when he ponders his greatest achievements in life.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 30th 2015, 0:02:59

I didn't see the post, but thanks for giving me my end of set kill.

I enjoyed the ruthless slaughter of your women and children.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 25th 2015, 4:26:51

No, what I asked you for was a trade pact so you could FA me cash so I don't have to waste a jet every time I want a scant 5 or 6 mil in cash, help a nigga out!!

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 25th 2015, 4:12:56

Originally posted by mrford:
sometimes stupid is too much...

That logic bomb just leveled half the player base of Earth!

Without fresh blood, there is no harvest. I have no problem farming you til the clicking of my mouse starts my dogs ear twitching, but then you whine and scold like Ninja, and I have to wonder if I didnt just break some 12 yr old girls heart by messing up her dollhouse.

You are and always will be my bottom bittch :)

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 25th 2015, 4:02:46

No I've never played this game before. I found it by accident when looking at my own asshole in the mirror.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 25th 2015, 3:53:48

There is a thread where someone had 0% tax rate

Cant get much stipuder!

SPAL doesnt mean fluff here. I've had 50k spies break through, multiple times, an opponent who had 1 million+ spies. That would never happen on Mars. You guys suck at coding.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 25th 2015, 3:48:37

Looking for Bear meat?

msg fluffman (#90)

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 25th 2015, 3:40:58

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

landfarm, you have yet to post for T I in plain text that your country name is mrford. Its not fair to assume his translator picks up on fine grammar.

lol wut?

i stopped reading there when my simple mind exploded.

You are dealing with someone who doesnt speak the English well. He hasn't found earthwiki, so a well balanced country still seems logical. Teach him to be a farmer, learn him well. Accept him into the warm folds of your earthy musk. One day, he will net top 10, and you can finally gain some self respect :)

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 25th 2015, 2:48:17

Sweet Jesus this is the best cat fight I've ever seen! You girls are hiissin and pullin hair and all kinds o sh!t!

landfarm, you have yet to post for T I in plain text that your country name is mrford. Its not fair to assume his translator picks up on fine grammar.

TI is obviously new to the game, and is working his way through the same obstacles we all faced when introduced to the warchat. To him this is one massive hub of anonymous allies and vicious killers. He does not yet realize that many of you have ruined marriages, abandoned children and sat in your own piss while fending off a kill run. Rather than bully you should nurture him. Bring him to your breast and share your knowledge. It will be truly rewarding to watch T I grow from a clueless rainbow to a lean war machine with fully descended testicles.

And just so we're clear, farming you is impossible to resist for a seasoned vet, I cant imagine how many noobs spend all game tapping you.

You sent me all kinds o hate through ingame msg when I used you like the ugly girl at a party. Sent you a box of tissues, but you prob just jaked to some ass vamp people are sick :(

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 22nd 2015, 19:30:44

only real men eat fish tacos

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 21st 2015, 20:25:20

nah. just a retal that got out of hand. It is considered a sign of respect to feast on the remains of your enemy. At least in my country anyways ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 21st 2015, 3:30:25

*munchin on takos greasy remains*

needs cilantro, maybe some lime...

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 9th 2015, 1:23:44

Thats what you get farming nerds :(

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 22nd 2015, 20:20:52


Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 30th 2015, 2:42:29. Reason: ?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 19th 2014, 3:45:02

I have difficulty closing the deal on this one.

He is same in land, but has a poorly configured country.
He felt nervous about tech from last time so he dedicated 1/3 towards research.

Picked a fight with me.

He had more tanks, but I saw that it was within my reach, so I stocked em, then rocked him.
His strat is losing its appeal, as tech is the last thing he wants to do with his turns.
Did it again, and now he's 60% empty.

Now, my issue:
I can lean on him for then next couple weeks, and he'll eventually chew his own leg off to survive, but that hardly seems like an honorable kill.
I have debated GS/AB combo, but again, it's just a slow bleed out.
I also have a good 20 turn lead on his rotation, so that's also helpful.

Feel free to talk among yourselves, I am eager to learn.

Yours Truly,


P.S. I can get my hands on booze and prostitutes, they are yours along with my hotel room key, please leave quietly, I cherish sleep as you value life.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 19th 2014, 3:40:44

I have difficulty closing the deal on this one.

He is same in land, but has a poorly configured country.
He felt nervous about tech from last time so he dedicated 1/3 towards research.

Picked a fight with me.

He had more tanks, but I saw that it was within my reach, so I stocked em, then rocked him.
His strat is losing its appeal, as tech is the last thing he wants to do with his turns.
Did it again, and now he's 60% empty.

Now, my issue:
I can lean on him for then next couple weeks, and he'll eventually chew his own leg off to survive, but that hardly seems like an honorable kill.
I have debated GS/AB combo, but again, it's just a slow bleed out.
I also have a good 20 turn lead on his rotation, so that's also helpful.

Feel free to talk among yourselves, I am eager to learn.

Yours Truly,


P.S. I can get my hands on booze and fluffes, they are yours along with my hotel room key, please leave quietly, I cherish sleep as you value life.