Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2470
Currently Logged in: 203

Game Profile for SaRaveok on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 116th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$50,032,848#413
Attack Success96.32%#395
Pop Killed3,217,752#334

Countries on this server

12 SaRaveok (#6031) 8968$1,676,877 I TeFallen
12 Australia (#6030) 7501$1,789,281 I TeFallen
8 1844 RLF The Fallen (#1613) 3897$293,618 RG xTAx
8 1846 RLF The Fallen (#1612) 3978$290,352 RG xTAx
8 1757 RC The Fallen (#1611) 7305$733,511 RG xTAx
8 1784 RC The Fallen (#1610) 5842$573,390 RG xTAx
8 1747 FF The Fallen (#1609) 5451$747,970 FG xTAx
8 1730 FF The Fallen (#1608) 7259$843,592 FG xTAx
8 1733 TF The Fallen (#1607) 6570$826,779 MG xTAx
8 1756 TF The Fallen (#1606) 4298$738,449 MG xTAx
8 1785 DT The Fallen (#1605) 4183$572,994 DG xTAx
8 1770 DT The Fallen (#1604) 4573$668,017 DG xTAx
8 1777 DT The Fallen (#1603) 4282$634,489 DG xTAx
8 1775 DT The Fallen (#1602) 4310$647,144 DG xTAx
8 1778 DT The Fallen (#1601) 4239$632,629 DG xTAx
8 1729 DT The Fallen (#1600) 4841$849,505 DG xTAx
8 1746 DT The Fallen (#1599) 2018$752,084 DG xTAx
8 1719 DT SaRaveok (#1598) 4623$886,034 DG xTAx
7 266 DC Embrace The Calamity (#714) 16,443$21,363,773 DG TeFallen
7 232 TC The Phoenix (#713) 17,028$24,450,935 HG TeFallen
7 191 RC Phear The Reaper (#712) 18,669$30,327,919 RG TeFallen
7 486 RC Ressurrectiion of Evil (#711) 20,279$11,916,185 RG TeFallen
7 215 FO Sleepwalker (#710) 19,428$26,730,079 FG TeFallen
7 369 DI Embrace (#709) 17,042$16,206,907 DG TeFallen
7 445 DI Clown (#708) 18,495$13,572,281 DG TeFallen
7 316 CI Got The Life (#707) 16,560$18,789,695 CG TeFallen
7 366 CI Twisted Transistor (#706) 18,694$16,224,638 CG TeFallen
7 433 DF Mass Effect 2 (#705) 15,014$14,267,761 IG TeFallen
7 668 DF Caesar 3 (#704) 16,338$7,343,535 IG TeFallen
7 428 TF Day of Defeat (#703) 23,077$14,414,864 TG TeFallen
7 614 TF Counter Strike (#702) 12,969$8,880,432 TG TeFallen
7 134 DT Lord of Darkness (#701) 14,927$46,454,652 DG TeFallen
7 125 DT SaRaveok (#700) 17,925$50,343,494 DG TeFallen
7 116 DT The Fallen (#699) 20,797$53,300,399 DG TeFallen
6 2168 Weeeeeeeee (#4934) 120$5617 M  
6 2958 Weeeeeeeee (#4933) 100$4717 M  
6 2957 Weeeeeeeee (#4932) 100$4717 M  
6 2956 Weeeeeeeee (#4931) 100$4717 M  
6 2955 Weeeeeeeee (#4930) 100$4717 M  
6 2167 Weeeeeeeee (#4929) 120$5617 M  
6 1769 Weeeeeeeee (#4928) 719$61,097 T  
6 1883 Weeeeeeeee (#4927) 271$29,527 M  
6 1923 Weeeeeeeee (#4926) 270$21,474 M  
6 1890 Weeeeeeeee (#4925) 288$28,380 M  
6 1612 Weeeeeeeee (#4924) 2508$206,159 M  
6 Protect The Innocent (#4069) 13,103$3,830,591 M xTFx
6 1532 Weeeeeeeee (#3661) 749$470,882 IG  
6 Kemo cant Kill (#3660) 16,779$7,676,584 R xTFx
6 562 Sanct are Cowards (#3659) 16,823$19,575,467 CG xTFx
6 Elite Assassins (#3571) 15,704$8,379,667 I xTFx
6 Raven Shield (#3570) 27,166$8,050,104 I xTFx
6 UAFFA (#3569) 14,251$7,060,827 D xTFx
6 718 xBSNAKEx FTW (#3568) 16,453$14,709,676 TG xTFx
6 Boinc (#3567) 18,299$6,506,381 F xTFx
6 1114 Sho Trii (#3566) 8704$6,602,353 IG xTFx
6 1174 Embrace The Calamity (#3529) 4564$5,026,146 TG xTFx
6 Task Force Talon (#3527) 35,289$12,129,649 T xTFx
6 The Fallen (#3526) 12,239$8,150,496 T xTFx
6 Empire State of Mine (#3525) 13,913$6,420,456 T xTFx
6 Battlefield 2 (#3524) 0$2819 M xTFx
6 For Whom The Bells Toll (#3523) 0$16,272 C xTFx
6 Bye Bye Beautiful (#3455) 0$10,123 C xTFx
6 Evolution (#3454) 6938$3,893,214 T xTFx
6 Beauty of the Beast (#3453) 0$6683 M xTFx
6 Sleepwalker (#3452) 0$1508 M xTFx
6 End of All Hope (#3451) 8160$1,999,193 I xTFx
6 7 Days to the Wolves (#3450) 0$2092 M xTFx
6 Forgotten (#3449) 5595$724,283 T xTFx
6 Indestructible (#3448) 0$1738 M xTFx
6 Sleepwalker (#2627) 4448$921,759 C xTFx
6 Evolution (#2626) 4685$1,753,633 F xTFx
6 End of All Hope (#2625) 4906$1,018,610 T xTFx
6 Inside the Fire (#2624) 4835$915,026 F xTFx
6 Indestructible (#2623) 4916$1,703,776 MG xTFx
6 Beauty of the Beast (#2622) 6771$791,564 F xTFx
6 Haunted (#2621) 5275$635,459 R xTFx
6 Wishmaster (#2620) 6828$1,068,453 HG xTFx
6 Deceiver (#2619) 5742$519,311 I xTFx
6 Bye Bye Beautiful (#2618) 5249$709,091 T xTFx
6 Believe (#2617) 6061$985,374 T xTFx
6 Sons of Plunder (#2616) 5087$726,412 T xTFx
6 Sing Sorrow (#2615) 7422$650,629 D xTFx
6 7 Days to the Wolves (#2614) 5592$1,128,289 F xTFx
6 Not Afraid (#2613) 5554$967,245 T xTFx
6 Forgotten (#2612) 6356$1,210,474 C xTFx
5 731 Me Against The World (#321) 11,139$12,295,433 HG xTFx
5 774 Empire State of Mine (#320) 11,085$11,350,316 HG xTFx
5 563 For Whom The Bells Toll (#319) 12,015$16,985,698 R xTFx
5 585 The Only (#318) 14,033$16,301,054 R xTFx
5 704 Ghost Love Score (#317) 13,941$13,100,281 FG xTFx
5 851 Three Days Grace (#316) 9523$9,017,618 F xTFx
5 843 Unwritten Law (#315) 10,442$9,229,882 C xTFx
5 800 The Godfather (#314) 9674$10,519,005 C xTFx
5 756 Task Force Talon (#313) 12,730$11,712,993 I xTFx
5 693 Battlefield 2 (#312) 24,939$13,525,542 I xTFx
5 593 Toxic Tears (#311) 24,698$16,054,307 I xTFx
5 706 Lord of Darkness (#310) 12,679$12,875,828 I xTFx
5 735 The New World (#309) 13,110$12,138,944 T xTFx
5 680 We Have Cookies (#308) 13,504$13,890,800 T xTFx
5 546 The Fallen (#307) 16,353$17,648,301 T xTFx
5 714 SaRaveok (#306) 11,927$12,679,933 T xTFx
4 The Fallen (#3542) 13,220$3,493,032 I xTFx
4 Revenge is Sweet (#3407) 20,686$5,470,085 F SawIII
4 Soul Stealer the SCAMPI (#1226) 0$4,218,025 I xTFx
4 Silent Assassin the Juggernaut (#1225) 22,500$8,522,256 I xTFx
4 Outlawz Cyberwar (#1224) 20,025$8,287,052 I NBK
4 Rebel Venom (#1223) 26,151$10,624,722 F xTFx
4 Sephiroth still plays (#1222) 0$414,271 I xTFx
4 Pyro the Racer (#1221) 17,431$8,159,694 I  
4 GunGrave is Just A Thought (#1220) 19,680$9,805,222 F xTFx
4 1568 Fraz bakes Crack Brownies (#1219) 12,642$2,577,132 I  
4 1593 Dizology leads to Chaos (#1218) 13,744$2,366,910 I xTFx
4 Sauron the Raging Budda (#1217) 20,206$7,773,050 F xTFx
4 Dark Lord Killers (#1216) 15,783$3,493,184 T xTFx
4 1160 Popcom will Rip It Up (#1215) 17,727$9,956,753 FG xTFx
4 Gambit leads to kemo (#1214) 18,324$7,816,237 F xTFx
4 QM Diver cant Kill4Free (#1213) 13,933$2,741,487 F xTFx
4 Galleir Loves SaRaveok (#1212) 16,723$12,296,328 F xTFx
4 897 SaRaveok Loves Galleri (#1211) 20,731$18,658,794 RG xTFx
3 1695 aodt are Cowards (#5253) 1034$73,953 M NBK
3 1616 For The Immortal DoMinion (#5226) 2071$164,843 M NBK
3 1550 SaRaveok (#5191) 2902$287,888 TG NBK
3 1393 Fluff you All (#4859) 4348$574,568 F NBK
3 1410 w00t i r a n00b (#4858) 3600$545,161 C NBK
3 1407 3 More to go (#4857) 2499$548,479 C NBK
3 1417 Puppies (#4856) 3781$533,772 I NBK
3 1413 KITTENS (#4855) 3670$538,850 I NBK
3 1385 Galleri is going to Kill Me (#4854) 3983$600,217 I NBK
3 1466 Galleri Loves SaRaveok (#4853) 3365$401,443 I NBK
3 1481 I Can War Tho (#4852) 2893$379,026 T NBK
3 1454 I cant Net (#4851) 1091$430,077 R NBK
3 1384 Naked women dont like you (#4850) 5051$600,378 T NBK
3 Battlefield 2 (#4849) 6151$640,357 I NBK
3 1391 Counter Strike Source (#4848) 2886$578,293 F NBK
3 Toxic Tears (#4847) 6215$507,120 RG NBK
3 I ran out of names (#4846) 4295$532,354 I NBK
3 1376 Lord of Darkness (#4845) 4413$635,259 T NBK
3 SaRaveok (#4844) 5082$501,682 I NBK

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism