Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 200

Game Profile for jeffmacin on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100209#30
Top 1015#112
Best 3$26,643,776#193
Attack Success90.34%#649

Countries on this server

638 20 Leafs Nation (#97) 20,769$12,830,902 CG
537 114 Jag (#102) 100$4717 M
536 118 JAG (#79) 100$4717 M
496 11 Grab and Go (#108) 29,436$21,432,891 CG
495 17 Bettmans Bruins (#96) 18,151$10,178,718 CG
494 10 Leafs Nation (#106) 25,994$20,583,055 CG
493 8 Blues Nation (#108) 26,479$21,667,427 CG
367 25 Number (#2) 16,532$8,951,273 CG
366 26 Alexander Keiths (#79) 16,003$9,248,902 CG
360 5 Jag Money (#100) 28,051$25,447,666 CG
359 24 Jag City (#115) 14,971$10,198,780 RG
357 86 The s6x (#6) 100$4717 M
356 3 Jag (#83) 18,947$20,033,059 CG
342 55 Golden Age Jag (#85) 16,703$4,799,945 CG
341 37 Pens Cup Champs (#89) 17,896$6,575,120 C
339 6 Mitchell Marner (#70) 23,208$18,921,898 CG
338 37 Jag Wagon (#95) 16,367$6,903,737 CG
336 53 Pray for Fort McMurray (#95) 22,857$5,949,414 CG
335 5 Crosby vs Ovi (#39) 21,761$23,126,536 CG
334 4 Ford (#53) 29,293$22,607,317 CG
333 1 Post Season (#19) 31,990$31,357,125 CG
332 36 Tank Nation (#16) 13,140$4,547,987 C
331 36 Cyber Pirate (#53) 18,698$5,144,813 CG
330 4 Express (#1) 25,398$22,981,119 CG
329 6 Jag Lands (#11) 18,788$18,968,853 CG
328 44 Evil Empire (#79) 9397$5,227,782 CG
327 7 F150 (#96) 21,842$20,534,355 CG
326 39 Torrent Day (#107) 10,434$6,892,190 C
325 22 LeafsNation (#100) 16,485$11,130,022 MG
324 9 Club Jaggin (#100) 19,700$15,130,108 CG
323 7 Lead your people (#82) 18,035$16,540,486 CG
318 24 Leafs Nation (#80) 16,318$10,853,142 CG
317 31 Jag (#70) 14,777$7,005,658 C
288 123 The Crazy Game (#75) 1810$197,752 CG
264 94 WarLock (#121) 11,628$1,948,344 RG
235 136 Return (#110) 491$36,539 C
226 119 JAG (#99) 7235$1,187,311 CG
223 100 Dr JAG (#157) 11,677$3,191,739 CG
220 26 Team Canada (#130) 15,941$13,202,856 CG
217 34 Clash of Clans (#87) 15,883$13,304,342 CG
215 20 Wheel House (#56) 13,717$14,947,942 RG
214 24 Happy New Years (#61) 17,269$15,871,387 CG
213 32 Kenny Powers (#78) 13,185$13,017,704 RG
212 28 Brett Hart (#8) 15,851$12,906,459 CG
211 55 Leafs Nation (#73) 14,490$9,730,406 CG
210 56 road to Victory (#161) 12,905$7,739,169 CG
209 95 Frogs (#145) 12,114$2,821,799 CG
208 116 Kenny Powers (#74) 6168$819,417 CG
207 67 Billy Mays (#122) 12,697$5,584,441 CG
206 35 Billy Mays (#107) 12,508$9,800,046 R
205 77 Scotch (#133) 11,212$3,713,683 CG
204 77 Got LaF (#139) 12,104$3,984,715 C
203 128 Dr JAG (#67) 5976$827,053 CG
202 37 Express0 (#103) 12,240$10,222,084 CG
201 63 Risk Factor (#100) 12,724$6,476,073 CG
200 32 Last Week Without Puck (#57) 12,856$11,341,854 RG
199 49 Lumbies (#117) 15,505$6,667,128 C
198 59 o (#67) 13,234$6,555,739 C
197 15 Leafs Nation (#55) 16,715$16,795,167 CG
196 25 Lead your people (#52) 16,543$14,582,108 CG
195 47 Puck (#14) 16,037$9,265,772 C
194 13 Good Day (#4) 20,329$18,235,578 CG
193 8 Mr Feed (#91) 21,930$20,602,226 CG
192 58 All D (#21) 14,288$5,885,541 CG
191 95 Festi (#58) 8362$2,836,205 C
190 80 h20 (#63) 14,256$3,902,267 RG
189 95 LeafsNation (#69) 4530$2,883,945 CG
188 102 H2zer0 (#67) 11,002$2,688,985 CG
187 10 Got Oil (#64) 20,466$18,091,073 CG
186 53 Hog Rum Runners (#68) 11,546$7,086,761 C
185 43 Jagged (#50) 16,512$8,718,983 CG
184 74 Strong D (#25) 7736$4,568,246 C
183 51 Netting101 (#61) 18,889$7,486,264 CG
182 12 PS4orXbox720 (#65) 13,285$16,119,493 RG
181 103 LeafsBlewThereLoad (#82) 9557$1,951,624 C
180 47 Got Twitter (#101) 8194$8,958,938 C
179 20 gh (#81) 16,997$13,934,252 CG
178 24 Leafs in the Playoffs (#17) 17,504$13,694,803 CG
175 81 fdg (#86) 10,522$4,083,888 CG
174 46 Leafs Nation (#142) 9156$7,668,926 RG
171 124 fhf (#144) 8564$1,626,840 R
170 66 WarLock (#122) 14,974$5,520,758 CG
167 28 gh (#129) 14,919$11,909,047 CG
166 70 shameless (#118) 7102$5,293,761 C
165 128 fgfdgd (#156) 6014$622,746 R
163 108 late start (#148) 8075$1,681,274 CG
162 Punch she D (#102) 8395$1,847,316 C
159 26 She wants the D (#72) 17,266$11,401,928 C
158 60 Warlock (#107) 11,296$5,680,360 CG
155 47 Create Your Country (#67) 15,097$6,888,849 CG
154 90 Savages (#62) 5500$1,946,990 H
153 37 Sweet Nothing (#124) 13,763$8,228,155 C
152 74 iPhone the 1 and only phone (#91) 8943$3,772,679 C
151 14 fh (#81) 16,149$15,714,016 RG
150 15 war pigs (#136) 21,970$14,510,978 C
149 120 tyjhth (#176) 7490$1,383,809 C
149 Wagon (#131) 5353$1,721,458 HG
148 20 dfgdf (#14) 17,320$12,587,040 CG
147 21 Scotch Lands (#116) 10,849$11,676,632 RG
146 31 Gday Gday (#62) 18,131$8,639,462 C
145 27 Im Number (#70) 15,638$10,387,137 CG
144 88 Jays (#100) 9975$2,646,464 C
143 47 NHL 13 (#56) 7975$6,890,760 HG
142 38 Gday (#69) 21,702$9,053,677 CG
141 21 Wagon (#87) 12,752$13,422,704 RG
140 49 dgdg (#3) 16,768$9,559,178 C
139 34 tjutuy (#146) 14,502$11,396,644 CG
139 Jericho (#57) 4387$561,572 C
138 99 any drinks (#7) 8901$2,554,261 CG
137 62 Mars Attacks (#49) 12,201$6,900,183 CG
136 Got Land (#73) 2235$248,299 C
135 51 JAG (#60) 13,499$7,755,506 CG
134 49 fgdg (#84) 13,871$7,808,090 C
133 150 dg (#158) 140$6517 M
133 dfg (#133) 100$4717 M
133 WarLock (#61) 3758$502,768 C
132 48 Nice day for a drink (#46) 20,096$8,751,780 CG
131 Raw Dog (#134) 1370$169,902 RG
131 Safe House (#49) 3162$609,256 C
130 47 Game0ver (#98) 11,257$8,166,815 C
129 18 LA Kings Cup Champs 2012 (#148) 21,757$14,562,302 C
128 79 dev (#181) 8906$5,106,788 CG
128 Puss Train (#109) 5748$769,053 C
127 67 Leafs Nation (#120) 10,695$7,156,606 R
126 87 Raw Hog (#154) 6336$4,769,813 C
125 72 Scotch (#160) 12,227$7,085,088 R
124 102 Cash Money (#177) 9415$3,235,076 H
123 45 Playoffs (#155) 9822$11,368,792 H
122 65 Dont even think about it (#143) 11,033$6,536,972 C
121 40 Body Wrk (#134) 14,903$9,965,290 FG
120 112 Don Cherry (#144) 8412$1,876,150 R
119 70 Wanna play some puck (#133) 13,864$4,968,294 C
118 88 WarCraft (#145) 6902$3,882,510 D
117 38 WarCraft (#146) 16,678$12,636,066 CG
116 101 Max Jag (#141) 10,538$3,094,377 C
115 94 Last Man Standing (#131) 11,990$3,361,613 H
114 65 Hog Town (#151) 7303$5,984,572 H
113 37 Jag (#131) 11,415$9,440,487 RG
112 124 TheWire (#166) 10,327$1,506,495 H
104 36 dfgfeg (#138) 10,540$10,798,947 RG
103 96 Settlers (#122) 11,698$2,599,155 F
102 25 Poggy (#123) 16,135$11,743,190 CG
101 26 Movember (#77) 12,942$9,973,963 RG
100 87 100 percent D (#126) 4270$3,091,521 C
99 111 Timmy (#128) 4789$1,754,297 C
98 114 dfgfgd (#155) 6956$1,346,923 C
97 52 All D Zero 0 (#139) 10,822$9,218,267 C
96 66 Peter Pan (#138) 14,740$5,909,245 H
95 73 Army (#126) 10,721$4,280,990 C
94 28 Hockey is BACK (#100) 21,461$10,637,188 C
93 56 Blue Jays (#82) 16,748$7,941,181 C
92 35 Fast Five (#139) 8339$9,816,285 HG
91 34 Warlock (#91) 16,850$9,845,303 C
90 99 WTF (#110) 8835$2,364,891 TG
89 49 Warthogs (#98) 16,303$7,812,504 C
88 72 Ditch Pig (#89) 10,191$6,462,439 HG
87 33 Puss Train (#75) 16,314$11,025,680 C
86 40 Oil (#84) 10,588$10,322,415 H
85 25 mangled (#104) 18,014$11,147,202 C
84 45 Leaf Nation (#107) 15,991$8,155,143 C
83 122 Poggy Train (#133) 8179$994,737 C
82 52 How to net (#21) 14,021$7,737,696 C
81 43 Miner (#14) 12,609$9,588,023 D
80 44 Rimouski Oceanic (#93) 16,178$8,626,477 C
79 95 Sea Dogs (#72) 11,092$3,764,153 C
78 71 War Pigs (#60) 11,275$3,868,573 C
77 24 Trailer Park Boys (#97) 11,976$12,230,200 RG
76 16 Hog (#70) 20,978$15,909,113 C
75 63 Shut Down (#23) 12,702$6,087,532 C
74 85 10mil plus (#67) 11,308$3,272,508 F
73 52 Nuxs (#30) 9437$8,914,425 HG
72 58 NHL playoffs (#20) 11,635$5,902,768 C
71 33 Grabs (#21) 10,794$11,184,510 H
70 130 DEV (#180) 5262$1,026,582 CG
70 59 UNB VREDS (#69) 10,782$5,944,696 H
69 74 Nuketown (#27) 13,011$6,046,375 RG
68 114 no need (#156) 8502$1,607,296 C
68 Your new nation requires a name (#60) 6924$1,309,509 H
67 47 Dont Touch Me (#61) 14,619$7,344,404 C
66 54 Cr0zbY (#97) 9972$5,703,565 H
65 45 Team Nova Scotia (#81) 9065$8,142,225 HG
64 89 Ice Hogs (#78) 10,212$1,843,604 DG
63 45 dev (#26) 9490$6,145,272 HG
62 50 Nightmare (#24) 11,799$6,111,030 HG
61 42 Dont Attack Me (#23) 9228$9,541,752 HG
60 39 The Hog (#31) 12,626$6,913,865 CG
59 41 Poggy Train (#20) 13,558$5,676,530 RG
58 31 The Hog (#69) 14,157$7,861,567 C
57 55 Netting 101 (#16) 8113$2,413,667 C
56 33 Winter Classic GO PENS (#51) 12,007$5,396,759 C
55 59 Country Name (#71) 11,794$3,288,849 H
54 32 XPRESS (#71) 10,835$7,821,669 H
53 38 HO HO HO (#60) 10,608$7,819,191 DG
52 39 Snowman (#61) 11,554$8,319,451 RG
51 97 Sid The Kid (#40) 6775$882,746 R
50 47 Greg Jones Server (#81) 11,507$5,767,595 H
49 43 elite (#72) 10,757$7,075,215 HG
48 22 Beer League (#45) 13,119$8,799,922 H
47 39 Warwick (#47) 9221$5,498,725 H
46 23 Dangs or Mangs (#13) 15,316$7,766,591 H
45 33 LEAFS VS FROGS (#43) 12,580$5,712,248 H
44 22 GOIN ALL D (#25) 9160$7,521,717 H
43 17 Any Dust in this game (#14) 9077$10,298,165 H
42 47 How do you get 10 mil plus (#16) 8564$3,671,809 C
41 67 I want 1 day express game (#16) 8863$2,512,302 H
40 73 Express (#20) 11,228$3,053,051 C
39 49 Cape Breton Snipers (#5) 11,322$5,432,719 FG
38 43 Go LEAFS Go (#15) 15,900$4,446,971 C
37 50 Maple Leafs Hockey (#12) 11,281$5,314,694 HG
36 77 doom (#126) 10,958$2,040,876 C
36 82 Any Nerds (#24) 8515$1,561,392 C
35 65 Hung (#16) 7361$2,372,311 H
34 45 Dont Attack Me (#62) 9940$5,910,109 RG
33 80 Attack me I will Attack you (#45) 5578$1,210,916 C
32 39 WTF (#15) 16,789$5,316,966 RG
31 75 hackzzzzzz (#37) 8691$1,955,287 C
30 45 Any Attacks on Cashers (#79) 14,958$4,006,409 RG
29 58 Mangles (#48) 10,479$3,712,496 R
28 31 Trailer Park Boys (#20) 17,611$8,427,712 F
27 43 hackzill (#4) 13,723$5,237,792 R
26 72 How do you get 15 mil plus net (#59) 11,964$2,834,201 HG
25 40 Express (#10) 11,420$6,880,542 HG
24 32 Any Techers (#13) 14,153$8,385,288 F
23 23 Cancuks (#7) 18,075$9,599,778 H
22 26 Welcome to the Crosby Show (#49) 16,032$7,908,314 H
21 44 Gold Miner (#9) 13,743$5,905,003 RG
20 52 Crosby for MVP (#13) 12,368$4,890,793 C
19 41 o (#14) 14,314$5,154,632 R
18 59 Hit me Hit You (#60) 9504$4,906,946 HG
17 55 Country Name Who Cares (#95) 10,805$6,321,667 H
16 24 Dont Attack Me (#49) 12,609$8,515,335 HG
15 33 Evil Empire (#46) 11,685$8,663,789 HG
14 108 Crosby SCORES GOLD (#19) 13,497$2,907,900 HG
13 53 C a n a d a (#50) 14,395$5,402,246 R
12 25 Team Canada (#13) 17,361$8,100,035 C
11 48 Cape Breton Eagles (#29) 14,625$5,721,504 R
10 48 Double Dion (#48) 15,165$6,593,580 RG
9 27 Rampage (#15) 15,690$10,140,405 C
8 51 cmon (#99) 12,548$5,706,369 C
8 xNAx (#84) 4436$666,599 C
7 52 hackzill (#50) 6319$1,723,758 C
6 38 cmon (#168) 8452$2,249,291 C
6 134 Dangles (#135) 1942$251,893 C
5 38 Team Canada World Jrs Hockey (#10) 7353$1,320,921 C
4 23 LOOK AT ME (#5) 9103$2,334,500 C
3 57 J (#125) 6528$1,751,153 C
2 72 Rampage (#100) 7966$1,514,467 H
1 94 hackzill (#414) 6879$2,152,172 CG

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism